Just Pick up a Chicken, Already

Chickens are simpler than they seem, which says a lot, because they're not particularly complicated. Photo by Steve Henderson Fine Art

Chickens are simpler than they seem, which says a lot, because they’re not particularly complicated. Photo by Steve Henderson Fine Art

From the Start Your Week with Steve Newsletter of Steve Henderson Fine Art:

Steve Says:

“When we moved onto our property, it came complete with a dozen chickens; the former owners had bought one or two of several different breeds, but they didn’t have room for the birds in their new homes. So they gave them to us.

“And so, knowing nothing about chickens, we were suddenly the owner of 12 of them — a Barred Rock, a Black Australorp, some unidentifiable yellow creature, a Rhode Island Red, and a rooster that looked just like the bird on the Corn Flakes box.

“We had four young children, and we were building our house. We didn’t have time to worry about chickens, or a proper chicken run, or an appropriate chicken house, so we set up some hay bales for them, tossed out feed, and hoped that chickens were survivors.

Our chickens, and goats, free range over a field of dreams. Field of Dreams by Steve Henderson.

Our chickens, and goats, free range over a field of dreams. Field of Dreams by Steve Henderson.

“They are. They thrived, to the point of brooding and hatching out more chickens. As time went by, we gave some birds away and added others, but from the first day enjoyed the primary gift of a chicken: truly farm fresh, free-range eggs.

“Over the years we have talked with people who have wanted to keep chickens, but have never done so because they’re ‘not ready.’ They don’t have a proper chicken run or appropriate chicken house, and they never move beyond thinking about keeping chickens.

“Years go by, and they’re still not ready.

“But our experience shows that you don’t have to create the perfect nursery environment, complete with curtains that match the bedding, in order to keep chickens. Sometimes, you just have buy a couple chicks — and a heat lamp to keep them warm — and get started.

“Otherwise, those years keep going by, and you’re still buying eggs from the store.”

Read the rest of the newsletter, and subscribe for free, at Start Your Week with Steve.

Steve’s artwork is available as 

Originals — through the Steve Henderson Fine Art Website

Signed Limited Edition Prints — through the website

Inspirational Posters — through the website

Licensed Open Edition Fine Art Prints — through Great Big CanvasLight in the Box, and Sagebrush Fine Art

About This Woman Writes

Carolyn Henderson is the marketing manager of Steve Henderson Fine Art. She writes about life, art, and the art of life.
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